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Sparck and Dark Stories: The Do's and Don'ts of Thank You Notes

Written by Anonymous | Jan 21, 2020 6:46:58 PM

Don't Live in the Dark!

Did you know that generic recognition (or lack thereof) is impacting your workplace?  Sneak a peek into what your employees want to say, but aren't... It's shocking!

Despite what may be very good intentions, written the wrong way, an employee appreciation note can go very wrong.  This note:

  • Does not greet the recipient by name
  • Sounds like they could be sent to en masse
  • Fails to clearly state why you are writing
  • Is written long after what is being acknowledged has happened
  • Is generic and formal
  • Does not show sincerity or say thank you


Thank you for helping with the new interns. We are working to expand our internship program and I’ll be working with Diane [parenthetically, this is her supervisor] in the coming months to brainstorm ideas on how we can do this. Once we have something concrete, we’ll let everyone know.


[Manager Name]


Live in the Light!

When the recognition experience is personalized and meaningful, employees feel seen.  Learn from each unique story to elevate your employee experience.

A good employee thank you note comes from the heart.  It is an expression of genuine appreciation.  This note is:

  • Handwritten
  • Greets the recipient by name 
  • Clearly states why you are writing
  • Uses specific examples of actions they have taken that you appreciate most
  • Is sent in a timely manner
  • Is not generic
  • Closes with an expression of sincerity and thanks


Dear Claire,

Thank you for all your effort in helping onboard the new interns. They’ve already contributed greatly to our endeavors and that is due largely in part to you.  

We are working to expand our internship program and I’m wondering if you would be willing to participate in a brainstorming session this Friday with Diane [parenthetically – this is her supervisor] and myself.  I’d love your input on what’s working and what we could improve moving forward. Let me know and I’ll send a meeting confirmation.

Thank you again for your help.  You’ve gone above and beyond and I can safely say we are a stronger company because of employees like you.

Warm Regards,

[Manager Name]